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C++ STL map的使用

以下是对C++中STL map的插入,查找,遍历及删除的例子:

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void map_insert(map < string, string > *mapStudent, string index, string x)
mapStudent->insert(map < string, string >::value_type(index, x));

int main(int argc, char **argv)
char tmp[32] = "";
map < string, string > mapS;

//insert element
map_insert(&mapS, "", "xiong");
map_insert(&mapS, "", "feng");
map_insert(&mapS, "", "xiongfeng");

map < string, string >::iterator iter;

cout << "We Have Third Element:" << endl;
cout << "-----------------------------" << endl;

//find element
iter = mapS.find("");
if (iter != mapS.end()) {
cout << "find the elememt" << endl;
cout << "It is:" << iter->second << endl;
} else {
cout << "not find the element" << endl;

//see element
for (iter = mapS.begin(); iter != mapS.end(); iter ) {

cout << "| " << iter->first << " | " << iter->
second << " |" << endl;

cout << "-----------------------------" << endl;

map_insert(&mapS, "", "xf");

cout << "After We Insert One Element:" << endl;
cout << "-----------------------------" << endl;
for (iter = mapS.begin(); iter != mapS.end(); iter ) {

cout << "| " << iter->first << " | " << iter->
second << " |" << endl;


cout << "-----------------------------" << endl;

//delete element
iter = mapS.find("");
if (iter != mapS.end()) {
cout << "find the element:" << iter->first << endl;
cout << "delete element:" << iter->first << endl;
cout << "=================================" << endl;
} else {
cout << "not find the element" << endl;
for (iter = mapS.begin(); iter != mapS.end(); iter ) {

cout << "| " << iter->first << " | " << iter->
second << " |" << endl;

cout << "=================================" << endl;

return 0;

Name: Xiong Feng
Address: GuangZhou.China

